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Administrative Team

Spillane Admin Team
Name Title Phone
Jamie Brotemarkle Principal (281) 213-1645
Steven Miller Director of Instruction (281) 213-1645
Tara Magallan Director of Instruction Helping Teacher (281) 213-1645
Jennifer Dove Academic Achievement Specialist (281) 213-1645
Mark Duncan Assistant Principal - 6th Grade (281) 213-1232
Blake Coleman Assistant Principal - 8th Grade (281) 213-1232
Senisa Blume Assistant Principal - 7th Grade (281) 213-1232
Lori Hilsher Counselor - 7th Grade (281) 213-1236
Roxana Bryant Counselor - 8th Grade (281) 213-1236
Misti Vaughn Counselor - 6th Grade (281) 213-1236
Stacy Baumgart CCIS - Math (281) 213-1645
Ashley Wallace CCIS - Reading/LA (281) 213-1645
Ami Bird CCIS - Science (281) 213-1645
Becky Vann-Pool CCIS - Social Studies (281) 213-1645
Julie Tally Testing Coordinator (281) 213-1645